Info Torneo: SCOOP 62-L Sat: $0.11 NLHE [8-Max, Freebuy], 5 Seats Gtd to $5.50 Mega Sat

Poker Stars


NL Hold'em, Sit & Go

Torneo iniziato

maggio 26, 2019 13.21




$0,00 + $0,00


1 deefadawg $5.50 21 Kaiser Fiasco $0.00 41 Colhooznic $0.00 61 0546474 $0.00 81 Hellmanns777 $0.00
1 bigman666142 $5.50 22 petmar1954 $0.00 42 denkoebke $0.00 62 FYYOO $0.00 82 mammu24 $0.00
1 szEIgo $5.50 23 Aguiar0205 $0.00 43 Gismoh $0.00 63 Steftje $0.00 83 briliant599 $0.00
1 yacatiac $5.50 24 fang12888 $0.00 44 simon2713 $0.00 64 icara78 $0.00 84 yurche271 $0.00
1 amar917 $5.50 25 177272 $0.00 45 eikennbogger $0.00 65 tilx67 $0.00 85 19Ramble66 $0.00
1 BrZeppelin $5.50 26 zuma_brasil $0.00 46 neafana $0.00 66 seaofgreenjs $0.00 86 reg121233 $0.00
1 prokov341 $5.50 27 Punch86 $0.00 47 wlaoimir60 $0.00 67 perchik487 $0.00 87 Artemchyk A. $0.00
8 bilibob7080 $2.20 28 maximum8848 $0.00 48 Fuger_rainer $0.00 68 Nuts_91 $0.00 88 raffaello5 $0.00
9 lavrikovps $1.15 29 toronoz08 $0.00 49 cam dery $0.00 69 Py$^aH $0.00 89 Doshaiieo $0.00
10 Kostya582 $0.00 30 vinngood $0.00 50 Tippking $0.00 70 l33t13 $0.00 90 Lesha K. 702 $0.00
11 dvaynic $0.00 31 hobbit55 $0.00 51 bkilla09 $0.00 71 TEVIODIE81 $0.00 91 peparithos $0.00
12 HarvesterX $0.00 32 metneral $0.00 52 gigimuma $0.00 72 RoyalRoyal91 $0.00 92 caroh04 $0.00
13 aiva1985 $0.00 33 riaki217 $0.00 53 Malon720 $0.00 73 Gifof123 $0.00 93 SemiPoker17 $0.00
14 rizlo79 $0.00 34 the only 226 $0.00 54 roni472 $0.00 74 GreyFoxJ $0.00 94 zhwf8788zxa0804 $0.00
15 diguerhf7 $0.00 35 carlthedudeman $0.00 55 ideal62 $0.00 75 maksisru $0.00 95 romanov Sr $0.00
16 Sir Hoschi $0.00 36 alexx2703 $0.00 56 ustas111 $0.00 76 eltono5734 $0.00 96 slavvikk $0.00
17 malika2402875 $0.00 37 konyhabútor $0.00 57 pattayastars $0.00 77 tamer32 $0.00 97 Amanda Janiely $0.00
18 kawakalle $0.00 38 BoQbL1k $0.00 58 Vaidjan $0.00 78 bii12 $0.00 98 saliz7 $0.00
19 hpmp888 $0.00 39 ckopoxod $0.00 59 Manuela20101962 $0.00 79 Litovchik $0.00 99 tillayew $0.00
20 angaa197 $0.00 40 negro494432 $0.00 60 wdd1488 $0.00 80 morph678 $0.00 100 spok1969 $0.00
Succ Ultimo(i)