
Foto di seksipommi
  • Partite Giocate: 53
  • Vincite Totali: $92.40
  • Buy-In Medio: $4.18
  • Grande Buy-in: $10.90
  • ITM %: 9,43
  • Profitto Totale: -$129.09
  • Profitto Medio: -$2.44
  • ROI % Medio: -58,28
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Gioco Partite Giocate Profitto Medio ROI % Medio Profitto Totale Buy-In ITM % Vinte/Perse
€1000 GTD Bounty Hunter 5 -$1.81 -66,45 -$9.07 $2.73 20 1/4
Mini Master - €400 GTD 4 -$5.00 -100 -$20.00 $5.00 0 0/4
€1,000 GTD Rebuy 3 -$3.00 -100 -$9.00 $3.00 0 0/3
€1,000 Gtd PLO Rebuy 2 -$5.00 -100 -$10.00 $5.00 0 0/2
€1000 GTD Bounty Hunter Turbo 2 -$5.45 -100 -$10.90 $5.45 0 0/2

Grossi Incassi Recenti

Terminato Torneo Buy-In+Quota Graduatoria Premio
12/14/2020 €400 Turbo Bounty Hunter €4.55+€0.90 1/35 €62.34
01/21/2021 €400 GTD 6 Max €9.10+€0.90 16/84 €12.39
09/29/2021 €200 GTD - Rebuy Turbo €0.45+€0.05 6/182 €8.55
12/15/2020 €1000 GTD Bounty Hunter €2.28+€0.45 37/228 €4.58
09/29/2021 €200 Gtd Turbo Rebuy €0.91+€0.09 9/111 €4.54

Ultimi 10 Tornei di Poker

Terminato Torneo Buy-In+Quota Graduatoria Premio
11/09/2021 €1000 GTD Bounty Hunter €9.10+€1.80 77/77 €0.00
11/03/2021 €1,000 GTD Turbo Rebuy €1.82+€0.18 248/259 €0.00
11/03/2021 €1000 GTD Bounty Hunter Turbo €4.55+€0.90 153/153 €0.00
11/03/2021 €1,000 Gtd PLO Rebuy €4.55+€0.45 90/93 €0.00
11/03/2021 €3,000 GTD Fists of Fury-Rebuy €4.55+€0.45 323/339 €0.00
09/30/2021 €1000 GTD Bounty Hunter Turbo €4.55+€0.90 124/114 €0.00
09/30/2021 €1,000 Gtd PLO Rebuy €4.55+€0.45 67/74 €0.00
09/30/2021 €3,000 GTD Fists of Fury-Rebuy €4.55+€0.45 315/342 €0.00
09/30/2021 €600 GTD - Bounty Hunter €2.28+€0.45 140/152 €0.00
09/29/2021 €200 GTD - Rebuy Turbo €0.45+€0.05 6/182 €8.55