
Foto di ronniehood
  • Partite Giocate: 301
  • Vincite Totali: 22,236,852,900.00
  • Buy-In Medio: 42,960,132.89
  • Grande Buy-in: 500,000,000.00
  • ITM %: 24,58
  • Profitto Totale: 9,305,852,900.00
  • Profitto Medio: 30,916,454.82
  • ROI % Medio: 71,97
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Gioco Partite Giocate Profitto Medio ROI % Medio Profitto Totale Buy-In ITM % Vinte/Perse
The Freezeout 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 77 75,981,818.18 75,98 5,850,600,000.00 100,000,000.00 18,18 14/63
1M Sunday Billion NLHE, 1B Chips Gtd 41 1,249,756.10 124,98 51,240,000.00 1,000,000.00 21,95 9/32
The Mini Freezeout 10M, 500M Chips Gtd 29 -2,171,724.14 -21,72 -62,980,000.00 10,000,000.00 20,69 6/23
Platinum Elite Club Social 23 1,113,521.74 111,35 25,611,000.00 1,000,000.00 43,48 10/13
Weekly Platinum Elite Showdown, 2B Chips Gtd 21 9,133,333.33 0 191,800,000.00 0.00 47,62 10/11

Grossi Incassi Recenti

Terminato Torneo Buy-In+Quota Graduatoria Premio
09/24/2023 Australian Open 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/33 1,803,500,000.00
08/22/2023 The Freezeout 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/51 1,715,400,000.00
12/06/2023 The Freezeout 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/55 1,676,900,000.00
01/05/2024 The Freezeout 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/68 1,646,000,000.00
12/22/2023 The Freezeout 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/47 1,580,800,000.00

Ultimi 10 Tornei di Poker

Terminato Torneo Buy-In+Quota Graduatoria Premio
07/05/2024 Sunday Billionaire Maker Mega Satellite, 2 seats Gtd! 22,000,000.00+3,000,000.00 17/18 0.00
07/04/2024 The Freezeout 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 45/48 0.00
06/30/2024 1M Sunday Billion NLHE, 1B Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 396/1141 0.00
06/23/2024 The Destructor 10M [Total Progressive KO], 500M Chips Gtd 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 25/65 0.00
06/03/2024 The Freezeout 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 38/45 0.00
06/02/2024 Australian Open 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 24/38 0.00
05/24/2024 The Freezeout 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 7/58 211,800,000.00
05/23/2024 The Freezeout 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 6/34 0.00
05/21/2024 PM SCOOP 36-H: 5M NLHE [Deep Stack], 1.5B Chips Gtd 4,400,000.00+600,000.00 74/227 0.00
05/21/2024 PM SCOOP 36-L: 500K NLHE [Deep Stack], 200M Chips Gtd 440,000.00+60,000.00 152/258 0.00