Foto di DBMFFC
  • Partite Giocate: 112
  • Vincite Totali: $153.61
  • Buy-In Medio: $1.65
  • Grande Buy-in: $5.00
  • ITM %: 43,75
  • Profitto Totale: -$31.47
  • Profitto Medio: -$0.28
  • ROI % Medio: -17
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Gioco Partite Giocate Profitto Medio ROI % Medio Profitto Totale Buy-In ITM % Vinte/Perse
Double or Nothing Turbo 6-Max 47 -$0.22 -21,7 -$10.20 $1.00 42,55 20/27
Double or Nothing Turbo 6-Max 24 -$0.01 -0,33 -$0.16 $2.00 54,17 13/11
Turbo 13 -$0.63 -31,46 -$8.18 $2.00 38,46 5/8
Turbo 12 $0.28 28,25 $3.39 $1.00 50 6/6
Double or Nothing Turbo 6-Max 6 -$3.43 -68,67 -$20.60 $5.00 16,67 1/5

Grossi Incassi Recenti

Terminato Torneo Buy-In+Quota Graduatoria Premio
09/27/2023 Turbo $4.60+$0.40 2/9 $12.42
02/18/2024 Double or Nothing Turbo 6-Max $4.70+$0.30 1/6 $9.40
02/18/2024 Turbo $4.60+$0.40 3/9 $8.28
04/29/2024 Turbo $1.80+$0.20 2/9 $4.86
09/24/2023 Turbo $0.90+$0.10 1/9 $4.05

Ultimi 10 Tornei di Poker

Terminato Torneo Buy-In+Quota Graduatoria Premio
05/08/2024 Turbo $0.90+$0.10 2/9 $2.43
05/08/2024 Double or Nothing Turbo 6-Max $1.84+$0.16 1/6 $3.68
05/07/2024 Turbo $1.80+$0.20 6/9 $0.00
05/06/2024 Double or Nothing Turbo 6-Max $0.92+$0.08 5/6 $0.00
05/06/2024 Double or Nothing Turbo 6-Max $1.84+$0.16 1/6 $3.68
05/05/2024 Double or Nothing Turbo 6-Max $0.92+$0.08 5/6 $0.00
05/05/2024 Free To Play - Round The Clock: $100 Gtd $0.00+$0.00 83/1483 $0.00
05/03/2024 Double or Nothing Turbo 6-Max $1.84+$0.16 6/6 $0.00
05/02/2024 Double or Nothing Turbo 6-Max $0.92+$0.08 6/6 $0.00
05/01/2024 Double or Nothing Turbo 6-Max $0.92+$0.08 6/6 $0.00