Info Torneo: Last Chance Satellite to the WSOP Online Bracelet Event #22 [R&A, Super Turbo]



TURBO NL Hold'em, Multi Table

Torneo iniziato

luglio 22, 2020 21.00




$13,65 + $1,35


1 knightship $500.00 21 DavidR888 $0.00 41 foldemup $0.00 61 terrrr1 $0.00 81 UUBBBRR $0.00
2 dave419 $500.00 22 Thewintzguy $0.00 42 brigbeast06 $0.00 62 15dellarocca $0.00 82 tdu2death $0.00
3 Ct188 $500.00 23 Justice42002 $0.00 43 Hitmy1outer $0.00 63 YodaRules77 $0.00 83 Vegasmusic23 $0.00
4 finest21 $500.00 24 angryorkieee $0.00 44 feltfisherr $0.00 64 Synthien $0.00 84 il_migliore $0.00
5 twinnnnn $500.00 25 BuckBox $0.00 45 nowb3athat $0.00 65 thersty19 $0.00 85 propjoe $0.00
6 dime_nLounge $500.00 26 Omni27 $0.00 46 isettle9 $0.00 66 dough2565 $0.00 86 fabiohelcia $0.00
7 OMG_Obama $500.00 27 Gengles $0.00 47 Mrobb $0.00 67 staxzilla $0.00 87 The_Worst $0.00
8 Cupsaw $212.80 28 Dr3aMChAs3r $0.00 48 PokerBull197 $0.00 68 saul_goodman $0.00 88 Cacheven $0.00
9 stephhub31 $0.00 29 MattKoch1000 $0.00 49 DiBello $0.00 69 Foldallin246 $0.00 89 Evsyband $0.00
10 cdubb1620 $0.00 30 N1rvanAA $0.00 50 krt110 $0.00 70 nowitsover $0.00 90 Sarge20 $0.00
11 igivbadbeats $0.00 31 zebra_debra $0.00 51 BagelBud $0.00 71 john7012 $0.00 91 Thedarknigh1 $0.00
12 thehofffx $0.00 32 TicaLoca19 $0.00 52 Gunner_Q10 $0.00 72 lvkid711 $0.00 92 BobDaBuilder $0.00
13 JTHollywood $0.00 33 AK_AZwildcat $0.00 53 stanman420 $0.00 73 Crimedog87 $0.00 93 sminky $0.00
14 jimlarry $0.00 34 dyagong $0.00 54 cabledoglee $0.00 74 Corgasm $0.00 94 1800johnson $0.00
15 nj_treeve $0.00 35 pkermeister $0.00 55 SkyKing $0.00 75 sirsackerton $0.00 95 ErikBachman $0.00
16 PresicioN $0.00 36 PoutyPrinced $0.00 56 Kiwibird $0.00 76 Crushingly $0.00 96 nine7tree $0.00
17 whynot38 $0.00 37 JackWax $0.00 57 Love2Birdie $0.00 77 Twirlpro $0.00 97 seasidespyda $0.00
18 bodysnatcher $0.00 38 Grandpa10 $0.00 58 DCP1987 $0.00 78 DarkestMane $0.00 98 jmstahl14 $0.00
19 FlatEarthIce $0.00 39 freshcakes $0.00 59 TxBomber $0.00 79 wyarosh1 $0.00 99 mojojl85 $0.00
20 pokerreaper $0.00 40 yazi41 $0.00 60 HowAboutThat $0.00 80 Wigler13 $0.00 100 jerzrep $0.00