Info Torneo: 25 Days of Tournaments Day 21: $10 8-Game, $1.5K Gtd

Poker Stars.nj


FL 8-Game, Sit & Go

Torneo iniziato

dicembre 26, 2023 15.30




$9,10 + $0,90


1 RunTheJewels2 $493.75 21 HBLninja $27.84 41 LimpISqueeze $18.32 61 Pokeher299 $0.00 81 shimrock $0.00
2 yats denots $357.02 22 BigBen9720 $27.84 42 Lazygrady4 $0.00 62 Su2003champs $0.00 82 MerkinChief3 $0.00
3 ToeBoggin $258.28 23 lofton18 $27.84 43 Brahinz $0.00 63 Bergkamp420 $0.00 83 Jayvan68 $0.00
4 nhgglmbema $186.85 24 PrincessAmanda $22.58 44 Ketan870 $0.00 64 Mac98Mi $0.00 84 BarryCrooks777 $0.00
5 mordIn76 $135.17 25 1bigJoff $22.58 45 Craftmatic53 $0.00 65 FloweringNyt $0.00 85 jlw1819 $0.00
6 dedeuce5 $97.79 26 KeithTurbo48 $22.58 46 Goblue7533 $0.00 66 healflip $0.00 86 fancyfish948 $0.00
7 Dr Dad 1819 $79.31 27 St0neCutter9 $22.58 47 corgidontcare $0.00 67 Lo7W $0.00 87 13spur13 $0.00
8 infraredmask $64.33 28 Warrior00086 $22.58 48 Yoshi0579 $0.00 68 grinder03 $0.00 88 redwings2619 $0.00
9 JiK101 $64.33 29 DominicCattano $22.58 49 PokeychipMI $0.00 69 lordi187 $0.00 89 GuyBell $0.00
10 Blazer488 $52.18 30 brothafishbones $18.32 50 ST0712 $0.00 70 garyd9811 $0.00 90 the lamprey $0.00
11 Greyyyyyyy $52.18 31 blesking $18.32 51 wr_solo_mon $0.00 71 rballard55 $0.00 91 Monsieur Pug $0.00
12 CptnCrushyou $42.32 32 MathMagiK $18.32 52 Papawolf39996 $0.00 72 absofsteel415 $0.00 92 mccabecm83 $0.00
13 supsolar $42.32 33 yanks5176 $18.32 53 fritski $0.00 73 0617526 $0.00 93 LucifersPop $0.00
14 xxx_KenDoG_xxx $42.32 34 Mosco5 $18.32 54 1RudeSky $0.00 74 KhaosAddict $0.00 94 1muffinHombre $0.00
15 IvanMakeBasket $34.33 35 kfoulk833 $18.32 55 Schm0o0 $0.00 75 starbeemer $0.00 95 DiscoFiascono $0.00
16 defoned413 $34.33 36 KennyJ371 $18.32 56 BadMothafuqer $0.00 76 JanBjork $0.00 96 pilliod4 $0.00
17 FairwayTrack $34.33 37 chefmark70 $18.32 57 Squaz422 $0.00 77 Courier616 $0.00 97 Z_Man805 $0.00
18 loosingplayer $27.84 38 CmoGrind1313 $18.32 58 MIWINNER001 $0.00 78 golfman2201 $0.00 98 @atarirobby $0.00
19 Fearsomebeaver $27.84 39 Ciuko123 $18.32 59 jr3319 $0.00 79 coondog26 $0.00 99 Grinder227 $0.00
20 Gnoogie $27.84 40 new_doc793 $18.32 60 cangot286 $0.00 80 smallnuts11 $0.00 100 morangslick $0.00