
Foto di felipemanzure
  • Partite Giocate: 392
  • Vincite Totali: $23,943.78
  • Buy-In Medio: $38.27
  • Grande Buy-in: $55.00
  • ITM %: 25,26
  • Profitto Totale: $8,940.78
  • Profitto Medio: $22.81
  • ROI % Medio: 59,59
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Gioco Partite Giocate Profitto Medio ROI % Medio Profitto Totale Buy-In ITM % Vinte/Perse
The Gladiator:{#P}$30K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} 79 $76.87 153,74 $6,072.65 $50.00 32,91 26/53
The Titan:{#P}$20K Gtd{#M} 39 $72.92 243,07 $2,843.94 $30.00 30,77 12/27
The Predator:{#P}$20K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} 27 $18.49 92,43 $499.14 $20.00 18,52 5/22
The Gladiator:{#P}$40K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} 22 -$26.84 -53,69 -$590.58 $50.00 18,18 4/18
The Assassin:{#P}$12.5K Gtd{#M} 22 $6.99 23,28 $153.68 $30.00 31,82 7/15

Grossi Incassi Recenti

Terminato Torneo Buy-In+Quota Graduatoria Premio
12/11/2021 The Gladiator:{#P}$30K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $45.00+$5.00 2/684 $3,263.64
08/18/2021 The Titan:{#P}$20K Gtd{#M} $27.00+$3.00 1/613 $2,850.40
05/20/2021 The Gladiator:{#P}$30K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $45.00+$5.00 3/636 $2,067.12
05/12/2021 The Magnum:{#P}$12.5K Gtd{#M} $36.00+$4.00 3/299 $937.40
06/25/2021 The Gladiator:{#P}$30K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $45.00+$5.00 7/652 $807.88

Ultimi 10 Tornei di Poker

Terminato Torneo Buy-In+Quota Graduatoria Premio
01/12/2022 The Gladiator:{#P}$30K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $45.00+$5.00 141/750 $56.21
01/10/2022 The Gladiator:{#P}$40K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $45.00+$5.00 224/878 $25.00
01/08/2022 The Gladiator:{#P}$30K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $45.00+$5.00 31/745 $167.58
01/08/2022 The Magnum:{#P}$10K Gtd{#M} $36.00+$4.00 32/329 $94.33
01/04/2022 The Assassin:{#P}$12.5K Gtd{#M} $27.00+$3.00 99/405 $22.50
01/04/2022 The Gladiator:{#P}$30K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $45.00+$5.00 578/680 $0.00
01/03/2022 The Clásico:{#P}$15K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $20.00+$2.00 678/788 $0.00
01/03/2022 The Gladiator:{#P}$40K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $45.00+$5.00 441/862 $25.00
01/02/2022 The Assassin:{#P}$20K Gtd{#M} $27.00+$3.00 414/575 $0.00
01/02/2022 Super $33:{#P}$50K Gtd{#M} $27.00+$3.00 312/1314 $0.00