
Foto di dany00855
  • Partite Giocate: 1798
  • Vincite Totali: $8,739.39
  • Grande Buy-in: $109.00
  • ITM %: 30,09
  • Profitto Totale: NOI
  • Profitto Medio: NOI
  • ROI % Medio: NOI
Posizione finale per % Partite Giocate
Serie di Vittorie
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Gioco Partite Giocate Profitto Medio ROI % Medio Profitto Totale Buy-In ITM % Vinte/Perse
$7.00 NL Hold'em [HU, Hyper-Turbo, 2 Players] 328 NOI NOI NOI $7.00 48,17 158/170
$100K Privilege Freeroll 255 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 3,53 9/246
$15.00 NL Hold'em [HU, Hyper-Turbo, 2 Players] 143 NOI NOI NOI $15.00 53,15 76/67
$3.50 NL Hold'em [HU, Hyper-Turbo, 2 Players] 127 NOI NOI NOI $3.50 52,76 67/60
$0.02 NL Hold'em [990 Players, Hyper-Turbo] 99 NOI NOI NOI $0.02 3,03 3/96

Grossi Incassi Recenti

Terminato Torneo Buy-In+Quota Graduatoria Premio
10/01/2014 $8.00 NL Hold'em [180 Players, Turbo] $7.34+$0.66 3/180 $150.61
10/08/2014 $60.00 NL Hold'em [HU, Hyper-Turbo, 2 Players] $58.74+$1.26 1/2 $117.48
08/03/2014 $60.00 NL Hold'em [HU, Hyper-Turbo, 2 Players] $58.74+$1.26 1/2 $117.48
10/08/2014 $60.00 NL Hold'em [HU, Hyper-Turbo, 2 Players] $58.74+$1.26 1/2 $117.48
08/11/2014 $60.00 NL Hold'em [HU, Hyper-Turbo, 2 Players] $58.74+$1.26 1/2 $117.48

Ultimi 10 Tornei di Poker

Terminato Torneo Buy-In+Quota Graduatoria Premio
04/08/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,500 Added $0.00+$0.00 16151/19850 $0.00
04/07/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,500 Added $0.00+$0.00 3323/20722 $0.00
04/05/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,500 Added $0.00+$0.00 15528/21039 $0.00
04/02/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,500 Added $0.00+$0.00 14196/22016 $0.00
04/01/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,500 Added $0.00+$0.00 1015/21940 $0.00
03/31/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,500 Added $0.00+$0.00 13419/22804 $0.00
03/30/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,500 Added $0.00+$0.00 448/23558 $0.00
03/28/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,500 Added $0.00+$0.00 5779/21844 $0.00
03/27/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,500 Added $0.00+$0.00 8705/21503 $0.00
03/26/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,500 Added $0.00+$0.00 621/20821 $0.00