
Foto di bitch_slap
  • Partite Giocate: 112
  • Vincite Totali: $150.15
  • Buy-In Medio: $2.87
  • Grande Buy-in: $8.00
  • ITM %: 5,36
  • Profitto Totale: -$171.12
  • Profitto Medio: -$1.53
  • ROI % Medio: -53,26
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Gioco Partite Giocate Profitto Medio ROI % Medio Profitto Totale Buy-In ITM % Vinte/Perse
'The Grand Daddy' - $1,500 Guaranteed 7 -$1.38 -45,95 -$9.65 $3.00 28,57 2/5
$3,000 Guaranteed R&A 4 -$4.00 -100 -$16.00 $4.00 0 0/4
$200 Guaranteed Omaha 4 -$6.00 -100 -$24.00 $6.00 0 0/4
$400 Guaranteed PL Omaha + R 4 -$1.50 -100 -$6.00 $1.50 0 0/4
$500 Guaranteed Turbo 2R 3 -$1.30 -100 -$3.90 $1.30 0 0/3

Grossi Incassi Recenti

Terminato Torneo Buy-In+Quota Graduatoria Premio
03/16/2015 $400 Guaranteed -- ShowMe! (TM) $3.60+$0.40 2/91 $91.12
03/23/2015 $250 Guaranteed -- ShowMe! (TM) - new!!! $2.70+$0.30 5/81 $26.46
12/28/2012 $300 Guaranteed Omaha $5.50+$0.50 8/75 $16.50
03/23/2015 'The Grand Daddy' - $1,500 Guaranteed $2.70+$0.30 40/617 $6.16
04/04/2015 'The Grand Daddy' - $1,500 Guaranteed $2.70+$0.30 57/740 $5.19

Ultimi 10 Tornei di Poker

Terminato Torneo Buy-In+Quota Graduatoria Premio
04/23/2015 Road To WSOP Free Tournament $0.00+$0.00 624/1884 $0.00
04/22/2015 'The Grand Daddy' - $1,500 Guaranteed $2.70+$0.30 153/554 $0.00
04/08/2015 'The Grand Daddy' - $1,500 Guaranteed $2.70+$0.30 515/590 $0.00
04/05/2015 The $10,000 R&A Turbo $3.60+$0.40 578/974 $0.00
04/05/2015 $200 GTD ShowMe!(TM) 4Max $1.80+$0.20 30/124 $0.00
04/05/2015 $100 Australia vs. UK vs. Russia $0.90+$0.10 13/93 $0.18
04/05/2015 $300 Gntd -- ShowMe! (TM) $0.90+$0.10 227/266 $0.00
04/05/2015 $200 Guaranteed Omaha $6.40+$0.60 17/35 $0.00
04/04/2015 'The Grand Daddy' - $1,500 Guaranteed $2.70+$0.30 57/740 $5.19
04/04/2015 $300 Guaranteed NLO8 $4.55+$0.45 23/87 $0.00