BDeChambeau lou19999 ReservoirK@ Yongebugs phoxyy Sr.Artema
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  • Partite Giocate: 0
  • Vincite Totali: $0.00
  • Buy-In Medio: $0.00
  • Grande Buy-in: $0.00
  • ITM %: 0
  • Profitto Totale: $0.00
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  • ROI % Medio: 0
  • Tavolo finale: 0
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  • Terzo: 0
  • Uscite Precoci %: 0
  • Uscite Medio Precoci %: 0
  • Uscite Medie %: 0
  • Uscite Medio Tardive %: 0
  • Uscite Tardive %: 0

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Non ci sono giochi - Pianificato(i) 2015

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01/21/2022 The Magnificent 77:{#P}$10K Gtd{#M} $63.00+$7.00 2/217 $1,971.72
05/15/2021 The Magnificent 77:{#P}$15K Gtd{#M} $63.00+$7.00 2/235 $1,900.32
12/31/2021 The Gladiator:{#P}$15K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $45.00+$5.00 2/250 $1,604.08

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Non ci sono giochi - Pianificato(i) 2015
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